The Death of a Rising Star

April 11, 1988 - June 12, 2022


To the shock of the music world, and especially to Tigrayans, on June 12, 2022, the rising star of Tigrigna music, Dawit Nega, passed away at age 34.  Dawit is survived by his wife and his 1-year-old son.

Dawit was born in 1988 (?) in Mekelle, the capital city of Tigray. At the age of ten, he lost both his parents.  To support himself financially, he became a street vendor in his hometown, selling everyday items.

At 15 years of age, he tried out for "Circus Tigray," a local program that cultivates many young talents from music to acrobats.  To his disappointment, Dawit was not selected for the program.  As the saying goes, when one door closes, another one opens; Dawit received another opportunity to cultivate his musical dream when he was invited to join a Marching Band in Mekelle. He was assigned to play drums.  

Dawit never let go of the idea of being a singer.  He practiced singing in his spare time to realize his dream of becoming a singer.  During an interview in Amharic, he said, " Success is always near us.  If you work hard and never give up, achieving your dream is not too difficult."

In his 15 years as a singer, Dawit released numerous singles, including one of my favorite, "Hidayat Mekelle (ህድያት መቐለ)".    Some of his single tracks include "Baba Elen", "Wezamey" "Zewidero", "Beneselai", "Kudus Tsebaya", "Chocolata" and many more.

In addition to the many single releases, in 2018, Dawit released a 14-track album titled "Axumite".  The album is a testimony to his talent.  He infused language and culture with modern musical arrangements.   Additionally, in the album, Dawit sings from topics such as Queen Saba, the mighty Axumite Queen, to songs about Tigray's other ethnic tribe, Irob, and their way of life. 

Four years ago, Dawit was invited to perform live at Africa Coke Studio.  He completed a rendition of his "Baba Elen" song with Anselmo Ralph and Mi Casa.  Live performance at Africa Coke Studio.

Dawit's final official song was "Ajoki Tigray".  In the song, he expresses the sadness of being far away from his home in Tigray and that he can't just pick up and visit his home due to the war on Tigray. 

Dawit has contributed significantly to developing Tigrigna music through his beautifully arranged music videos and captivating voice.   The lyrics, the cultural attires worn in the music videos, and the melodies will permanently reside in the heart of his million fans worldwide.  

Friends, family, and fans are still reeling from the shock of Dawit's sudden passing! Dawit, you are dearly missed, and we will always keep you close to our hearts.  Generations will come to learn about you and will know what a gem and musical genius you were.   Ajokie Tigray!  Your son, Dawit Nega, has left behind a legacy that your children will upkeep.

Rest in Heavens, Dawit!


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