Eight Years Later....

I have finally mustered up the courage to get back to writing.  Despite wanting to always write, even on a journal, I have to admit I have failed miserably.  I have not been consistent for the last 8 years.  I can hear some of you saying, eight years is a very long time.  Yes, indeed!  I am sure a browse thru my journal would reveal that there are few entries.  So imagine, how does one reflect on the past without putting it on paper?  Well, in this technology savvy age, on a computer?  I leave the answer to you, my readers.

Today at work, during down time, I contemplated about writing an entry.  To be honest, I had few lines started and saved the work for latter on.  Latter on being now, of course.  I went back and read what I have written in 2006 and to my surprised the few entries took me on memory lanes.  I mean eight years is a very long time and so much has changed in my life.  Mostly for the better, and I am grateful to the Lord and to the people who helped me achieve my goals as well as guide me to grow as a person.

In 2006,  few entries reveal my anxieties of wanting to be accepted into pharmacy school.  In retrospect, the journey to the doors of pharmacy school was never smooth. In fact, the first time I applied, I was denied. Of course I was not deterred by that failure.  To the contrary, such failure planted a determined soul within me. Sure enough, the following year, hard work and luck came my way. In 2006, I was accepted into more than one pharmacy school.  Going away to graduate school was a turning point in my life.  Getting accepted was the beginning.  Lao-tzu once said, "A thousand miles journey begins with a single step".   Being accepted to pharmacy school was my single step to a four year journey of knowledge, dedication and lord knows how many hours of studying at the library for exams that never seemed no ending.  Despite all the challenges one faces in a new environment, I was determined to work harder than I ever done in my life. After all, the only way I wanted to leave pharmacy school was by putting a cap and gown!

Sure enough, after what it seemed like an eternal journey, four long years to be exact, in 2010, I graduated with a PharmD (Doctor of Pharmacy) from Nova South Eastern University in Florida.  More than the graduation ceremony I was relieved that the long journey had finally come to an end.


Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful story Tsehaye. I hope you will continue to pen your story and journey. Look forward to the next instalment. Any yes, congratulations on your achievement!
Merry said…
Love this. Looking forward to reading more. Congrats!
Thank you Yemane and Merry. I promise to keep writing consistently.
terhasena said…
Well done Tsehaye !

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